The Port Authority of Algeciras, Spain, has extended the term for submission of bids for constructing and operating the third container terminal at the port until 31 May 2017. Initially, the international public tender launched last August had the bidding deadline on 30 November 2016, but later the deadline was postponed until 31 March 2017 and now it is further put back, with public opening of the submitted offers scheduled on June, 19.
The Port Authority explains this postponement by the uncertainties generated in the stevedoring market by the recent situation with the dockworkers’ strikes in Spain as well as by the sale of Hanjin’s TTI Algeciras container terminal, which has not been closed yet.
The third container terminal shall be a public or a dedicated facility constructed in the southern part of Isla Verde Exterior. Phase B of Isla Verde Exterior involves development of the area of 30.5 ha (37 ha including the public zone), next to the intermodal freight railway terminal. The quay shall be 680 m long, with a possibility of additional 130 m in order to reach a total quayline of 810 m. Draft is 18.5 m.
The concession term shall be 50 years. The interested companies may submit bids including automated solutions.
Currently, two container terminals are operating in the port: APM Terminals Algeciras and TTI Algeciras. In 2016, both handled 4.8 mln TEU, which is an increase of 5% over the previous year. However, in the first two months of 2017 their throughput decreased by 7.3%: 685,763 TEU.