Month: March 2018

Gulftainer to develop a US East Coast port

port of wilmington

The State of Delaware, USA, has reached a preliminary agreement with the Gulftainer Group to lease the Port of Wilmington, construct a new container terminal on the Delaware River and significantly expand jobs at the Port over the next decade, Governor John Carney and Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock announced yesterday. The Port of Wilmington is […]

A new plan: Djibouti to build another container terminal with CMA CGM

Djibouti terminal

Djibouti discusses with CMA CGM the development of a new container terminal at an initial cost of USD 660 mln, informs Reuters. Speaking on the sidelines of the Africa CEO Forum in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, on Tuesday, March 27, Aboubakar Omar Hadi, Chairman of the Djibouti Ports and Free Zone Authority (DPFZA), told Reuters that […]

HHLA takes over Estonia’s largest container terminal operator


Yesterday, 26 March 2018, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA), the leading European port and transport logistics group, signed a contract to acquire Estonia’s leading stevedoring company Transiidikeskuse AS. Transiidikeskuse AS (TK) operates TK Muuga, the largest Estonian container terminal located at the port of Muuga on the Baltic Sea close to the country’s capital […]

Rotterdam Container Exchange Route: new level of intra-port cooperation

Container Exchange Route

The Port of Rotterdam Authority announced the start of construction of the Container Exchange Route (CER) that is designed to link the deepsea container terminals, empty depots, rail terminals and distribution companies at Maasvlakte port area. The goal of this project is to reduce exchange costs between the various companies and further improve connections with […]

Vladivostok port grows: drafts increased, container volume up 42%

Russian ports container throughput

Vladivostok Sea Commercial Port (VSCP), part of FESCO Transportation Group, completed one stage of the container terminal berth reconstruction project, informs the port’s press service. The modernization project involved repairing the existing quay equipment and installation of new marine fenders allowing the terminal handle vessels with larger drafts. Thus, the maximum allowable draft at container […]

BMCT enhances Nhava Sheva connectivity with barge and train shipments


Bharat Mumbai Container Terminals (BMCT) that was recently launched by PSA at the port of JNPT, India, started its first barge and train operations last week. According to PSA, a 90-TEU block train departed for Mandideep on 13 March 2018 and on 16 March, a second train left for Nagpur. Two days later, an export […]

Los Angeles to accomodate SpaceX rocket production centre?

Port of Los Angeles

Elon Musk’s SpaceX entered into preliminary negotiations with the Port of Los Angeles to expand its existing facilities at the port with the aim to construct a manufacturing centre to produce what may become huge next-generation spaceships for missions to Mars. Although neither the port nor the company officials disclose what exactly will be produced […]

DP World acquires another port in Peru

DP World Peru

Yesterday, 18 March 2018, DP World announced the acquisition of Cosmos Agencia Maritima S.A.C., a fully integrated logistics services provider based in Peru. Cosmos Group owns Neptunia S.A and Triton Transport S.A, that offer maritime and logistics services, and also possesses a 50% stake in Terminales Portuarios Euroandinos S. A. at the port of Paita, […]

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